Our mission is continual growth and striving to meet the needs of our Clients. We care about improving the available solutions on the labour market and creating new solutions. Cooperation with industry organizations inspires us and motivates us to act, helping us provide services of the highest quality.


Największa i najstarsza organizacja pracodawców działającą na obszarze województwa pomorskiego. Powstała w 1991 roku i posiada status organizacji reprezentatywnej, przez co ma bezpośredni wpływ na ustawodawstwo w ramach konsultacji społecznych oraz dostęp do funduszy unijnych dedykowanych organizacjom reprezentatywnym. Pracodawcy Pomorza zrzeszają blisko 1000 przedsiębiorstw o niezwykle szerokim profilu działalności – zarówno mniejsze przedsiębiorstwa jak i wielkie koncerny. Organizacja powołała sekcje branżowe, których celem jest omawianie bieżącej problematyki poszczególnych branż w ramach autonomicznych spotkań sekcji.
Misją Pracodawców Pomorza jest długofalowy, dynamiczny rozwój gospodarczy  regionu, jak również podmiotów zrzeszonych w organizacji, a celem wspólnego działania - obrona interesów pracodawców, reprezentowanie ich wobec władzy ustawodawczej i wykonawczej oraz instytucji nadzorujących i kontrolujących przedsiębiorstwa. Organizacja dba o utrzymanie poprawnych stosunków w relacji pracodawca-pracobiorca, a swoją działalność dofinansowuje ze składek członkowskich.

Więcej na www.pracodawcypomorza.pl


An organisation representing the interests of employers in Poland, established to build a positive image of entrepreneurs in Poland and to represent their interests towards trade unions, authorities and public administration. The mission of the organization is to provide Polish entrepreneurs with the best possible conditions conducive to their development and to undertake initiatives promoting Polish brands, thus actively supporting Polish economy. The organization contributes to the creation of favourable conditions for conducting business activities and believes that thanks to its work and the involvement of its affiliated entities, it will create a strong organization which will influence the shaping of a modern working environment. Read more on www.przedsiebiorcy.pl


The only one organization in Poland focused on complex development of outsourcing and modern business services industry. Among a wide range of provided by Pro Progressio services are support of foreign investors in locating operation centres in Poland, outsourcing education and promotion of the best industry practises. Pro Progressio manages the only Polish-English outsourcing industry media – OutsourcingPortal and Outsourcing&More Magazine – and manages the Best2Invest.org platform. Pro Progressio also organizes the Outsourcing Stars Gala. Everyday work and co-operation with public and private sector as well as international Partners (like Deutscher Outsourcing Verband, International Association of Outsourcing Professionals) make Pro Progressio a trustful organization focused on entrepreneurship development in Poland. Learn more: www.proprogressio.pl


The French-Polish Chamber of Commerce (CCIFP) regroups more than 460 companies with both French and Polish capital and is one of the most active bilateral chambers in Poland. The organization contributes to the creation of favourable conditions for investment and economic activities in Poland and plays an active role in dealing with government bodies and other organizations of employers. The CCIFP is a platform for networking and sharing business experience, promoting best practices among entrepreneurs. The CCIFP was established on the initiative of French companies in April 1994 and is an independent and self-financing structure, acting according to local law. Learn more: www.ccifp.pl.


Since December 2013 we have been a member of the Polish National Convention of Employment Agencies (OKAP), which is made up of member firms providing top-quality services and complying with the highest ethical and professional standards in their operations in the employment agency industry. OKAP is a socially and economically beneficial organization which cares about respecting and protecting the rights of employees. The role of OKAP is to help insure legal compliance by employment agencies and enforcement by regulators.Learn more: www.okap.org.pl


Since September 2006 we have been a member of the Employers’ Union of Warsaw and Mazovia (ZPWiM), which is affiliated with Polish Confederation Lewiatan, a member of the Trilateral Commission for Social and Economic Affairs. ZPWiM supports Lewiatan in eliminating business barriers, improving conditions for doing business, and creating a positive image of employers within the society. Learn more: www.zpwim.pl


Online HR Technologies is a technology company in the IT industry, operating already five years in the market of modern IT solutions under the brand HRlink.pl HRlink.pl is a friendly, innovative system for online recruitment and multi- posting of recruitment ads, it's task is helping HR departments at every stage of the recruitment projects. Learn more: www.hrlink.pl


We are a partner of EduKlaster, an initiative of leading companies, institutions and research centres operating in the fields of education, business and IT. The goal of EduKlaster is to increase competitiveness, innovativeness and the quality of the services provided by its partners. A requirement for belonging to the network is an orientation toward creation and implementation of innovative solutions in the partner’s operations. Learn more: www.knowledgecluster.pl


On 16 September 2013 we became a signatory of the Diversity Charter – an international initiative including about 6,000 employers in 12 European countries. In Poland, the Diversity Charter was introduced by the Responsible Business Forum, and about 80 companies have signed on to it. Signing the charter is an undertaking to implement rules for management of diversity and a policy of non-discrimination, and to promote diversity and actively oppose discrimination and mobbing in the workplace. Learn more: www.kartaroznorodnosci.pl